Green Abundance By Design


v. : to rejuvenate, revitalize


n : affluence, wealth a life of abundance


prep. : through the agency or instrumentality of


n. : the arrangement of elements or details in a product or work of art



We want to be part of the new story our landscapes tell. A story that values the landscape as a part of Nature, not separate. A story that values function and beauty. A story with a better ending.

The potential within the suburban landscape is huge. We spend a large amount of time, energy and attention into creating and maintaining our landscapes. This large effort is, all too often, directed towards landscapes with marginal ecological or functional benefits. With that in mind, Green Abundance believes that through better design we can create rich, ecologically sound, and aesthetically beautiful landscapes. Landscapes in Nature’s design.

Let us know the story you want your landscape to tell.


Suburbia offers us the great opportunity to create what nature cannot.

Andrew Whittaker | Founder

Andrew Bio Pic

Andrew Whittaker

Founder, Designer

Andrew has a passion for plants. It was during his previous life as a cinematographer where he discovered Permaculture. The concepts and ideas within Permaculture ignited the thought, how can we do better?

From that spark came Green Abundance by Design where Andrew looks to combine his visual talents with his passion for creating new landscapes for our neighborhoods and communities.

Andrew believes the best action is taken right at home and that through many small actions, great change is possible.


Michael Croci

Project Manager & Head of Pollination

In joining Green Abundance by Design, Michael sought to combine his passion for dirt digging and community building in creating a better world via the transformation of Suburban Landscapes.  He regularly utilizes his community connections as the Head of Pollination for spreading the positive change of Ecological Landcare.

Michael brings his creative mind, heart and body to every project and his presence is a force of creation to behold.

He, along with his 3 roommates, are the stewards of an evolving ecological landscape at their home in Framingham.


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