2022 Mission Statement

Green Abundance By Design started as the seed of an idea 8 years ago planted in the fertile ground of Framingham, Massachusetts.  From that seed, year by year, slowly but steadily the seed of an idea became a reality.  Growing new branches, pushing out new leaves, and deepening its roots.  From our outset, Green Abundance By Design was rooted with the goal to provide solutions for a better landscape and environment.  Over the course of the last 8 years we have evolved and discovered what this company is for ourselves and for our clients.

Along with the maturation of Green Abundance came a better understanding of the flaws and needs within our industry.  Not only do we want to provide unique solutions to improve our environment, but we also want to develop a business that can nurture and sustain the people that make our client’s goals a reality.  

This year we have decided to make a significant change in regards to how we operate our business. Most landscaping companies only pay their workers seasonally leaving them to fend for themselves in the Winter months. We want to ensure that all of our employees have the assurance and stability of a paycheck all 52 weeks of the year even if we only have full time work for 40 of those weeks. In order to facilitate this, both Andrew and Mike have taken a significant pay cut, but we also need to raise our rates to make up the difference.

Green Abundance has always taken the risk of doing things differently. In this same way we look to continue to improve the landscaping industry not just for our clients but for the people that make it happen.

Thank you for your continued support in our mission to help steward our natural and social environment.

-Andrew and Mike